Google Search changing? SGE & GEO

Google Search Changing SGE & GEO Image


AI will change Google search, it’s inevitable. We will discuss SGE – Search Generative Experience and GEO – Generative Engine Optimization and it’s impact for businesses.

In our current reality where everything can be created with AI intelligence, what is really significant? At the point when a blog can be produced, you can get Chat GPT to answer everything in a real sense. Thus, in the event that you’re a business or an advertiser depending on Google or Website design enhancement, things will change.

In November of 2022, Chat GPT made a huge difference. They showed the world that there’s one more method for tracking down answers and collaborate with innovation other than looking into Google. This pushed Google to at long last refresh their web crawler from that famous rundown of blue links that we’ve in a real sense had until the end of time.

So, in May 2023, Google started testing their new version of search called Search Generative Experience – SGE. It was only within Google Labs and only available to those in the United States who opted in. The term “Search Generative Experience” is going to change everything to do with how we search and look up information and find businesses. But the real question is: What does the new Search Generative Experience even look like, and how do we think it could affect businesses and web traffic?

Google Search is getting a major makeover!

Imagine this: instead of the usual blue links and ads, you’ll be greeted by an AI-generated answer to your question right at the top of the search results. This is the core idea behind SGE (Search Generative Experience).

How will SGE work?

  • Type in your question or keyword.
  • SGE will provide a concise answer directly on the search page, eliminating the need to click through various links.
  • Refine your search with follow-up questions you can either click on or type directly into a chat-like interface.
  • SGE will also suggest relevant resources:
  • A curated list of trusted links for further exploration.
  • A carousel of products for product-related searches.
  • Ads might appear below the AI answer, potentially even integrated within it in the future.
  • Traditional search elements like links and videos will likely remain, though their placement might change.

Important to note: SGE is still under development, so the exact layout might vary. This is just a glimpse into what’s on the horizon for Google Search.

The Impact of SGE on Businesses and Websites

The introduction of SGE raises concerns for businesses about potential traffic loss. Since users might get answers directly from Google’s AI, organic clicks to websites could decrease. Studies suggest a possible 30% drop, similar to what happened with snippets.

However, there’s an upside, particularly for those outside the top search results. SGE results and their linked sources often differ from traditional organic results (reportedly 94% of the time). This creates a new opportunity: Generative Engine Optimization (GEO).

The potential of GEO became clear, like with the launch of Chat GPT in 2023, that the internet was in for a shift. While initially hesitant to raise concerns, further testing with YouTube and other platforms has revealed valuable GEO practices to help businesses thrive.

Google’s Stake in SGE

It’s important to consider Google’s perspective. They’re not trying to disrupt the ecosystem entirely. Here’s why:

  • Maintaining User Traffic: SGE keeps users within Google’s ecosystem, preventing them from migrating to other search platforms.
  • Protecting Ad Revenue: Businesses are Google’s advertisers, and a healthy search experience fosters advertising revenue. In 2023 alone, search generated a significant portion of Google’s income (57% of total revenue and 73% of ad revenue).

Therefore, a successful SGE implementation benefits both users and advertisers, ultimately aligning with Google’s goals.

Unveiling SGE: What Matters Most

Here’s a practical tip for exploring SGE’s potential:

Identify Niche Content Opportunities: Use SGE! Pay attention to the questions it suggests and use those as a springboard for creating highly specific content targeting those “long-tail keywords.” This content can be housed in an FAQ section, a dedicated blog, or even a series of micro-blogs.

Understanding SGE: Aligning with Google’s Goals

Climbing the ranks in SGE’s AI-generated results hinges on understanding what these models prioritize. Here’s a crucial detail:

Focus on User-Centric Content: In September 2023, Google revised their “helpful content” guidelines to combat low-quality content. They now emphasize content that’s genuinely helpful and created with users in mind. This shift aligns perfectly with Googles focus on creating content that directly addresses the specific questions users are asking through SGE.

The Rise of Quality Content: A Crucial Aspect of GEO

Google’s commitment to high-quality content continues to evolve. Here’s what you need to know:

March 2024 De-indexing: In March 2024, Google took action against websites and blogs filled with generic, AI-generated content. This highlights their prioritization of quality over quantity.

Why is this important for GEO? It connects directly to how SGE functions.

Google AI & Content Selection: Google’s AI gathers information from various websites to formulate its AI-generated answers. To be included as one of the “few links” displayed alongside these answers, your content needs to be exceptional.

SEO vs. GEO: A New Focus on Credibility

While traditional SEO relies heavily on tactics like keyword stuffing, the game changes with SGE. Here’s why:

  • SGE Prioritizes Clarity: SGE seems less interested in SEO tricks and more focused on delivering clear, concise answers that directly address user queries. Your current ranking might not translate perfectly to SGE.
  • This shift aligns with the concept of E-A-T (Expertise, Authoritativeness, and Trustworthiness) already valued in SEO.

However, in the age of AI-generated content, the emphasis goes beyond those factors.

The Value of Human Expertise: With AI churning out content, what truly sets your content apart? The answer lies in what AI can’t replicate: genuine human experience and the credibility that comes with it. This is supported by both our own testing and external studies. SGE appears to prioritize content that demonstrates credibility and trustworthiness.

Remember, Google doesn’t want to put out fake content. Because if it’s pulling from your article, it needs to make sure that it’s correct. And if it’s featuring your website as one of the few links in the SGE answer, it wants to make sure that you’re not spewing out fake news.

Ready to Leverage GEO? Here’s How!

Now that you understand SGE’s priorities, let’s dive into actionable strategies to optimize your content for GEO and land coveted spots among those “few links”:

Strategy 1: Embrace Long-Tail Keywords

Search behavior is evolving – single-word queries are giving way to more specific searches.

For example, instead of simply searching for “face cleanser,” users might type “best face cleanser for sensitive skin.”

Here’s how to identify these questions:

  • Utilize tools like Answer The Public: Discover variations of search queries related to your niche. (Future video will showcase these tools!)
  • Leverage SGE itself: Analyze the AI-generated response and suggested follow-up questions for your target keywords.

By compiling a list of relevant long-tail questions, you can create content that directly addresses user intent and aligns with GEO’s focus on comprehensive answers.

The Silver Lining of SGE’s Limited Links

While the limited link carousels in SGE results might seem daunting, there’s a bright side. Studies suggest that a staggering 94% of the time, SGE surfaces different websites compared to traditional organic results. This presents a massive opportunity for those currently struggling to rank on the first page.

Embrace a Multi-Faceted Approach

Therefore, it’s crucial to combine the best of both worlds: utilize the emerging GEO practices discussed here, while continuing strong SEO practices.

The Power of Video in the Age of GEO

The “easiest” way to rank on Google? If you guessed video, you’re spot on! Here’s why video is poised for even greater prominence:

  • Alignment with User Behavior: People are increasingly consuming video content.
  • AI Preference: Studies suggest video content might be favored by AI algorithms.
  • Higher Click-Through Rates: Research by Neil Patel’s team, covered on The Marketing School podcast, indicates videos generate higher click-through rates on Google.

By incorporating video into your content strategy, you’ll be well-positioned to capitalize on GEO’s potential and reach a wider audience.

A well-optimized and made YouTube video still has a far greater chance at landing on the first page of Google versus a traditional article. And one out of every five Google searches has YouTube videos. And this is only going to increase. YouTube videos, including my clients, also index on other search engines, including Bing and DuckDuckGo.

So, what does work well? According to a study, the biggest winners that they were testing were by adding quotations in your website. And they saw that it improved your position by 41%. So, by pairing statistics like quoted and cited sources and technical terms paired with easy-to-read and yet persuasive and authoritative writing, you can drastically increase the odds that AI is going to find value in your article or your webpage and then rank it in its answer.

Remember, Google wants to know your info is trustworthy. It doesn’t want to spread fake news. And you have to tell Google how trustworthy you are. And if AI doesn’t find you valuable, no one else will, because no one’s going to see your website.

The Enduring Power of Original Video

When it comes to GEO optimization, one technique stands out for its lasting value: original video content.

Here’s why video is a winning strategy:

  • Human Expertise Shines: Original video content allows you to showcase your unique human insights, a quality that AI can’t replicate.
  • Embrace Short-Form Content: Even if you’re limited on time, there’s still an opportunity
  • YouTube Shorts: Consider creating YouTube Shorts, which can also appear in Google search results.
  • Remember, proper optimization is key: Targeted Keywords: Optimize your video titles, captions, and metadata with relevant long-tail keywords. (This process is generally easier on YouTube compared to traditional SEO.)

The Google & YouTube Advantage

Leveraging YouTube offers an additional benefit:

  • Integration with Google: Since Google owns YouTube, optimized YouTube content has a higher chance of appearing in search results.
  • The Power of Long-Form Video in the Age of GEO
  • When it comes to conquering search engines under GEO, one content format reigns supreme: long-form video (5-10 minutes).

Here’s why:

Uniqueness of Human Expertise: Long-form videos showcasing your genuine insights and experiences are incredibly difficult for AI to replicate. This inherent human element is a powerful asset in the world of GEO.
The Enduring Appeal of YouTube

Furthermore, strategically leveraging YouTube offers significant advantages:

YouTube’s Prominence: YouTube’s longstanding popularity and integration with Google make it a powerful platform for reaching your audience. People naturally gravitate towards video content, as evidenced by your presence here.

Unlikely Disruption: Unlike some social media platforms, YouTube faces minimal risk of disappearing. It’s become a cornerstone of our online culture, encompassing everything from tutorials to entertainment.

Summary of Best Practices for GEO Optimization:


  • Target Long-Tail Keywords: Search behavior is evolving – single-word queries are giving way to more specific searches. This allows you to target a more precise audience actively looking for your content.
  • Leverage Video (Especially Long-Form): Video content, particularly long-form videos (5-10 minutes), showcases your unique human expertise, a factor that AI struggles to replicate.
  • Establish Credibility: Demonstrate trustworthiness by citing reliable sources like journals, experts, and reputable websites. This signals to Google that your content is accurate and valuable.
  • E-A-T Still Matters (But With a Twist): While Expertise, Authoritativeness, and Trustworthiness (E-A-T) remain important, their emphasis has shifted. Now, it’s crucial to showcase your unique human experience and insights to differentiate yourself from AI-generated content.
  • Human Expertise Over AI-Generated Content: Google can detect AI-written content. Focus on creating high-quality content that incorporates your own knowledge and perspectives.

Authenticity is Key: In the age of AI, genuine human expertise and insights are what truly set your content apart.


Authenticity is Key: In the age of AI, genuine human expertise and insights are what truly set your content apart.



